The Situational picture of the blue economy 2018 is complete – there is plenty of untapped growth potential in maritime areas while national objectives are unclear

According to the Situational picture of the blue economy (Sinisen talouden tilannekuva), Finland has the greatest off-shore wind energy potential in the Baltic Sea Region, but only has one off-shore wind farm. There are great opportunities for maritime and archipelago tourism, but utilisation is low in relation to potential. The utilisation of winter tourism opportunities in maritime areas is still in the experimental stage. We are only now investigating the sustainable utilisation of the seabed’s mineral wealth. The traditional fishery economy is undergoing a period of change as no common solutions appear to be found for challenges facing the industry.

The report indicates that national and international targets for utilising potential in various industries vary quite widely. The report also highlighted various blue economy focal points for maritime regions. Regional potential and objectives in some industries still require clarification, and competence must be increased if Finland wishes to remain at the cutting edge of development.

Work will continue in early 2019 with the compilation of future scenarios for planning areas and by further developing the key points that various planning areas wish to highlight as special development opportunities for future development paths. There is also a clear demand for maritime spatial planning to coordinate the interests and recognise the synergies of different industries in order to make sustainable blue growth in maritime areas possible.

Sinisen talouden tilannekuva 2018 (in Finnish)