Opinions of the Finnish stakeholders on the Swedish MSP drafts are requested until 10.9.2018

Public hearing of the drafts of the Swedish MSPs has started. Finnish officials, citizens and associations have right to give their opinion on the Swedish MSP drafts.

Opinions are asked to be delivered to the Finnish Ministry of Environment latest 10.9.2018 in lausuntopalvelu.fi or via e-mail: kirjaamo@ym.fi.

The Finnish Ministry of Environment has published News Release and links to the materials on their website: http://www.ym.fi/fi-FI/Ajankohtaista/Uutiset/Ruotsin_merialuesuunnitelmaluonnokset_ja(47421) and in Swedish: http://www.ym.fi/sv-FI/Aktuellt/Nyheter/Utkast_till_havsplaner_for_Sverige_och_t(47422).